Client Testimonials

Cliodhna Walsh - Personal Training

“I found Liv on Instagram and originally signed up for her online classes to get back into fitness which had slipped before and during lockdown. I missed a few of her classes and she contacted me to check all was okay and from there we arranged personal training. I have found the experience excellent. I’m feeling the benefits of the strength training. Liv is a knowledgable, supportive trainer and also good fun which makes it even more enjoyable. You might even be lucky enough for her to bring along the little trainer Ozzy (fab cocker spaniel pup) to your training. He’s a gem 🤩 I highly recommend Livfiit!”

Catherine Ackroyd - Post natal Personal Training

“Training with Liv has been the perfect way to ease me back into exercise after pregnancy. Having her come to the house was great when still trying manage the juggle of a new baby and even when I was surviving on minimal sleep, working out always made me feel better!She helped me build back my foundation strength which is exactly what I wanted,l and I’ve now got the confidence to start doing more exercise on my own, without worrying about doing myself any damage or injury post-partum.”

Rosie Slade - Post natal Personal Training

“I started a weekly session with Liv a few months after having my third baby. I had never managed to get back into regular exercise since having kids and my aim was to get fitter and stronger to a level where I could enjoy exercising again, and to get into the habit of carving out some time for exercise in my life.  

Now, 3 months in and I am loving our sessions - we do something different every week and it never ever gets boring! Liv pushes me to work harder than I ever would be able to by myself but I always feel in safe hands.

I feel noticeably stronger and also just really good about myself and for this I really can’t recommend Liv enough!”


Catherine Platt - Pre-natal Personal Training


Kate Geale - Personal Training and Pre-natal training


Alison Trusty - Personal Training

“I have really enjoyed training with Liv through my pregnancy. Liv gets the perfect balance between pushing me whilst also being mindful of the limitations that a growing baby bump can bring! Thanks to Liv’s knowledge, encouragement and well-structured sessions, I feel in a really good position to get through birth and recovery. I highly recommend Liv to anyone in their pre or post natal journey!”

“Every training session with Liv is a joy! Liv consistently plans workouts that are challenging, fun amd tailored to me. Liv’s positivity and encouragement mean that I always look forward to our sessions. In recent months, Liv has expertly adapted my workouts to prenatal workouts to suit the different stages of my pregnancy. I feel very lucky to have found Liv!”

“I was keen to keep up my fitness during lockdown with gyms closed and I sought out a local personal trainer. Liv is brilliant, she got my fitness level spot on and sneakily pushes me a bit further every week so I have really felt like I could ses a difference in my strength and toning. She is just lovely to be around as well which also helps to motivate me to get myself out to a cold park in the morning! I would definitly recommend Liv, 5 stars!!”